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Elevate your career abroad and unlock your full potential with Expat Career Coaching

If you’re like the expats I know, you don’t aim for the average. You are an ambitious and driven individual who knows there is more to life. Working abroad is very often your catalyst to learn, grow and challenge yourself. And rightly so, as working abroad offers unparalleled career opportunities which, when leveraged, lead to a continuing international success.

However, how do you make the best out of what you are best at? Not an easy question, is it? No wonder I’m very often asked: “How can I leverage my career opportunities? How do I set myself up for success abroad? How do I position myself well to steer my career in the right direction instead of leaving it to chance? How can I showcase my skills and experience to take my career to the next level?”

These are all valid questions and should be addressed early on in your international career, as otherwise, one of the following scenarios may follow, as observed in my work with expats:

  • Overwhelmed by the foreign work environment, you stay in your comfort zone. You become passive, fail to deliver and miss out on interesting projects, sometimes without even realising it. You don’t progress, as you don’t know how to best navigate the new work environment: adapt to the company culture, communicate with the stakeholders, carry out the job itself. The result is inevitable - you feel insecure, inadequate and your career stalls.
  • Wanting to prove yourself to your new employer, you work really hard to outperform yourself. Driven by achievements and high expectations of yourself to reach your potential and make it abroad, you tend to ignore your own needs and find yourself out of balance, stressed, anxious and on the verge of a burn-out.

If you recognise yourself in these scenarios or want to prevent them from happening, at Lucy Bolin Coaching we will write your own, but with a happy ending and based on your own definition of success.

Who is the service for?

  • First-time expats who moved abroad for work
  • Relocated for an international assignment, job, project
  • Long-term and repeated expats who want to step up their game at work
  • Expats-to-be who want to set themselves up for success at work

What’s included?

The goal of the expat career coaching is to map your career so that even if you don’t know your final destination, you have a direction and know your motivators

  • Strengthsfinder analysis: what are you good at and how to maximise on it?
  • Personal branding: who are you? What do you stand for? How do you want to be perceived?
  • CV update to align with your brand and LinkedIn profile optimisation
  • If relevant tailored job search, interview coaching, onboarding support
  • Culture - how to navigate cultural differences and work across cultures
  • Company culture - how to understand its dynamics and unwritten rules
  • Your stakeholders - a 6-step stakeholder management framework to collaborate with them effectively
  • Intercultural communication styles
  • Any urgent or recurring topic that needs addressing, e.g. conflict resolution, salary negotiation, microaggressions etc.

What are the benefits?

Working abroad is full of amazing opportunities. However, if you leave them to chance, you might miss out on them. Teaming up with an expat coach enables you to stay on track with your career abroad.

  • Self-awareness of your strengths and aspirations
  • Clear direction for your career abroad
  • Unlock full potential: make the best out of what you are best at
  • Confidence and self-fulfilment
  • Successful collaboration with your colleagues
  • Proven track record to build your international career
  • Focus and balance

Book your free appointment

Our recommended service provider is Lucy Bolin Coaching. Lucyna Bolin is an expat coach working with internationals around the world, having been an expat herself for 20 years in 5 different countries. She\'s a certified coach with a MA in Culture, Communication and Branding and a BA in Teaching. She worked in multinationals in London, Frankfurt and Barcelona as a corporate soft-skills trainer and coach. It’s her mission to empower expats to make their stay abroad meaningful and worthwhile according to their own definition of success.

Complete this form below and Lucy will contact you to schedule a 40’ complimentary session o understand your current situation and define how she can best support you. Since every expat journey is unique, the service will be tailored to your specific needs if you decide to work together.